• Flagstone - AL Blue Textured Flagstone 1"-2" (#07)
  • Flagstone - AL Blue Textured Flagstone 1"-2" (#07)
  • Flagstone - AL Blue Textured Flagstone 1"-2" (#07)

Flagstone, Cobblestones, Steps, Treads and Coping.

Flagstone - AL Blue Textured Flagstone 1"-2" (#07)

AL Blue Textured Flagstone (#07) is great for walkways, patios, stepping stones, outdoor kitchens fireplaces, and many more outdoor living spaces. Each piece will be from 1"- 2" in thickness. Flagstone utilizes larger and smaller pieces, fitted together to create the beautiful Flagstone look. These AL Blue Textured Flagstone (#07) are heavy enough to require 2 people to handle the larger pieces. Each pallet will cover approximately 100 sq ft.

We currently offer these AL Blue Textured Flagstone (#07) pallets as Pick-Up ONLY.
Pallets can NOT be loaded into standard size pickup truck beds as they weigh 2,000+ lbs.
Pallets can ONLY be loaded onto appropriately rated trailers that can hold 2+ tons.

* If you need a large quantity of AL Blue Textured Flagstone to be delivered to a job site, please call Angie at our office (256) 542-8205 to schedule a delivery. Please allow 2-3 business day lead for deliveries of palletized products.

Delivering [schedule not yet set]

Prices include delivery to all addresses in the Base Delivery Zone zone. Additional delivery fees apply to extended zones.
Delivery Volume & Price Options

Pick Up Product

Skip the trip to the office!! Order now to reserve this product for pick up at our location. Your purchase will be transmitted to our staff who will facilitate loading your vehicle when you arrive.
Pick Up Volume & Price Options