Pine Straw Regular Needle

Pine Bark Nuggets, Hardwood Mulch and Pine Straw

Pine Straw Regular Needle

Pine Straw Regular Needle is a very popular ground cover for landscaping beds. Pine Straw Regular Needle come in easily transportable bales for convenient hauling and quick installation with no plastic bags to dispose of.
Pine Straw Regular Needle bales are easily transported in the back of a pickup truck or on a trailer to be offloaded right where you want them.

Pine Straw is typically sold as "Pick-Up' only.
Call Angie (256) 542-8205 if a delivery of Pine Straw is required.

Delivering [schedule not yet set]

Prices include delivery to all addresses in the Base Delivery Zone zone. Additional delivery fees apply to extended zones.
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Pick Up Product

Skip the trip to the office!! Order now to reserve this product for pick up at our location. Your purchase will be transmitted to our staff who will facilitate loading your vehicle when you arrive.
Pick Up Volume & Price Options