Soil Conditioner

Fill Dirt, Top Soil, Sand and Soil Amendments

Soil Conditioner

Soil Conditioner is made from decomposed organic materials. This Soil Conditioner does not have any topsoil in it, as is meant to be used as an amendment tilled into garden soil to help aerate clay and other heavy soils and to help retain moisture for plants at the roots, where it does the most good. The components of this Soil Conditioner are sourced locally and are mixed, turned and composted over the course of three years to heat and blend the materials. This Soil Conditioner does not contain any animal compost.
This Soil Conditioner has a moderate amount of nitrogen, and minor amounts of phosphorus and potassium present to help get your plants started into their growing cycle.

Wet Weather Disclaimer:Dirt, Soil and Soil Conditioners may become too saturated to load in wet rainy weather. It may take a few days for the soil to dry enough to be loaded, especially in the cold of winter when temperatures don't get warm enough to dry the soil out. Also, keep in mind when using your own vehicle or trailer that damp or wet soil can weigh considerably more than when it is dry. 

Delivering Monday through Saturday

Prices include delivery to all addresses in the Base Delivery Zone zone. Additional delivery fees apply to extended zones.
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